Friday, August 1, 2014

Is It Time To Replace the Kitchen Fauchet?

There comes a time in every homeowners life when the time has come to replace the kitchen faucet. Whether it's because the thing is leaking or because it's time for remodeling, DIY is not as hard as you think it may be. Although I miss having someone at my beck and call to handle these types of household tasks, I realize that I can very easily search for step-by-step instructions on any subject conveniently located right there on Youtube.

Not just for remodeling the kitchen, I can also search for other great relevant ideas about organizing, efficiency, new technology, modern appliances, flooring, tile, marble rates, etc. and if I need specialty contractors I can compare price quotes, run background checks, see before and after pictures, and yes, I will haggle to negotiate the cost of labor.

Yes, today the internet has made being a homeowner easier than it's ever been, but did you know that you can create your own artwork and then use a 3D printer to make new kitchen cabinets?

Click here to see for yourself. 

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